Thursday, September 12, 2013

Multimonitor support in Xubuntu 13.04

One new feature planned for the Xubuntu 13.10 release is the multi-monitor support integrated into XFCE desktop. Previously one would have to use xrandr to adjust monitors settings and now it should also be possible with the updated Display Settings dialog. But it is also possible to use this feature in Xubuntu 13.04

To do this the xfce4-settings 4.11.0 deb package should be downloaded from the launchpad. This link is for 64 bit installations but the same could be done with the 32 bit deb package . Then /usr/bin/xfce4-display-settings should be replaced with the version from the deb package. It is not possible to install the deb package itself because it was compiled with libglib2.0-0 (>= 2.37.3). But it's really not needed to be installed because other programs inside of the package are the same as before. The new Display Settings dialog looks like this:

If some panel is placed on a wrong display then it can be adjusted in the Settings -> Panel Dialog

This is basically the only feature I needed from the 13.10 release because I'm fine with the current theme and don't need an improved GTK 3.8 themes support.

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