A 320x240 cheap (2,90€ by pearl.de) digital picture frame attached to a router is a very useful addition to show router's status information. The DPF display driver is already integrated into the lcd4linux project that makes it easy to use the frame. This for example is how it works for me:
Some details regarding DPF hacking can be found here (the page is in German)
Although lcd4linux is a powerful tool I'm still looking for a way to build complex dynamic menu structures to be able to control MPD from my remote, i.g to be able to navigate visually through the MPD database and select items into the playlist. And it seems like the lcd4linux is not powerful enough to do such things. I'll add some additional notes if I find a solution.
Update: my lcd4linux.conf for this layout is here
Update2: the digit's font is Impact, 48 points
Update3: I was asked to add some info about weather parsing
Well, first of all I have a script that is called when WAN interface goes up: